ご購入の流れについて/About the process of the purchase
If you see any vehicle which you are interested in,
please give us an e-mail through the enquiries.
We will respond to you, after receiving the necessary documents and your payment method.
The necessary items for purchase
・外国人登録証/Residence card
・実印/Your registered seal
・印鑑証明書/Certificate of registered seal
・車庫証明書/Parking space certificate
・購入資金/Purchase bankroll
・クレジットカード払い/Payment with your credit-card(VISA)
When you become a car owner in Japan,
running a car is a great expense.
・駐車代/Parking fee
・ガソリン代/Petrol (gasoline) charge
Voluntary car insurance
( In the case of a contingency, the compensation from the car liability compulsory insurance may not be sufficient.)
JAF(Japan Automobile Federation)
(It provides roadside assistance.
With the intention to protect a car owner’s interest, they promptly respond to any urgent motoring trouble.)
In Japan, when you own a car, the car tax,
the car insurance and the car maintenance is obligatory.
Car tax(A registered car should pay for the car tax every year.)
Periodic car inspection required by the Japanese regulation
(In the case of a general car, the maintenance and the compulsory insurance is required every other year.)
Inspection and maintenance cost and the parts cost
・自賠責保険 25,830円
Automobile liability compulsory insurance ¥25,830
・自動車重量税 2年で 32,800円
Car weight tax ¥32,800 every 2 years
Revenue-stamp duty