Workants auto rent car insurance, ワークアンツオート
Workants Auto Home l Insurance


We offer two forms of insurance to cater for your needs. The first and most recommendes option is the full coverage plan, for just 1600yen this covers everything from damage to your car and any other third party damage as well as roadside assistance you may require. The next plan we offer is a simple refundale amount of 150,000yen to cover for any charges the driver may incur. As long as no damage or charges are incurred to the vehicle, the full amount of the deposit will be returned to you.


JAF is a roadside assistance company that is insured with all of our rental cars. JAF assistance is available at any time, any day and anywhere around Japan. If you are in a difficult situation concerning the road, or your rental vehicle, JAF will be at your assistance with no fee at all. Situations such as, car key enclosure troubles, car tire punctures, natural disasters or car battery care, JAF will handle it no troubles at all. This ensures the safety and security with any problem with your rental car experience.

Main Website:

Here is a helpful link:

24/7 Road service rescue call Phone: 0570-00-8139
More phone options :

Please feel free to contact contact us! We can give more information for you!

If an accident occurs,
please take the following actions

Please take relief measures for the injured.

If you’re injured, please call 119 and ask the fire department to give priority to the protective measures

Please report to the police station.

In the case of a personal injury, please be sure to notify the police station of the accident.

Please take relief measure for the injured

Please ensure you acquire the other party/witness(s)’ information (ie. address, name, phone number).

24/7 Customer service available by phone in 14 different languages!

For road rules/accidents 0120-929-736
For contract information (9am – 5am) 0120-055-936

サポNavi (sapo navi)Sapo navi is a useful application and we highly recommend you download it too! Sapo navi features a one touch notification button which calls one of their specialists so you can give a report on the incident all whilst the app uses the GPS on your phone so emergency services can find you straight away! Its simple!

Workants auto rental car call us, ワークアンツオート